2020世界動物權日(NARD)活動公告(English below)
他們值得被記住,被尊敬而不被遺忘。 他們比以往任何時候,都更加需要我們為他們發聲!
2019 NARD 活動影片
2018 NARD 台灣報導
Dear friends, like many of you, the NARD team has been monitoring the Coronavirus COVID-19 worldwide public health emergency, with due concern.
How is this affecting the June 7 NARDX events planning?
First, decisions are being made keeping in mind the health and safety of both attendees and the general public, based on government health recommendations.
With that said, the situation is changing day by day, so we feel it is too early to make any event-altering decisions. So we are continuing the preparations of all our events as usual (including contingencies), keeping in mind things may change. Around May 1 we will evaluate the situation and see if we need to make any changes, and of course inform all of you.
But one thing we know for sure: we WILL commemorate the day - The 10th National Animal Rights Day - no matter what, in some shape or form! The animals, as always, are the real silent victims of this crisis (being abused in live animal markets, being burned or buried alive to 'curtail' the virus, being slaughtered now in even greater numbers). They deserve to be remembered, and honored, and not forgotten. They depend on us to be their voice, now more than ever. So that we will do!
Look forward to our next update, and thank you all for your support!
The NARD Team